Time Becomes Timeless With Sound & Energy Healing

Time Becomes Timeless With Sound & Energy Healing

Sound & Energy Healing Therapy is different and unique in way that it invites and takes you to inner depth of yourself. You just need to remain present in the healing environment and rest all will be done by the sacred vibrations produced by the singing bowls. It would connect you with inner quality of belief. The healing sounds enhance your confidence and bring back a sense of self worth within you.

During the healing sessions we have observed that people fight between their unwanted thoughts and desire to surrender to the sound vibrations and during this process, sound actually helps them to overcome the unwanted thoughts and people start to experience the TIME-LESS-NESS. They start to feel a sense of “Here and Now”. It is the perfect time and place where the problems and obstacles become opportunities. It is the real time and place where every problem comes with its natural solution. Yes, it is a fact that our life is full of a variety of questions and problems, but the sacred sound makes us believe that the solutions to all the problems also lie within us. The sacred sound healing vibrations help us explore within us our true potential and we become more confident, energetic, filled with divine blessing to solve any problems.

Sound & Energy Healing Therapy brings peace into our lives and spirit. It takes us to our inner silence zone and helps us distinguish between the deep relaxations energized by silence and our materialistic expectations full of chaos, probabilities, and uncertainties. The most important benefit of listening to the sacred sound is that it helps you listen to your heart, soul and your inner self without any explanation and proof. Here you start to make decisions based on your true wisdom rather than dubious information collected over the years.

So let’s tune our life with the harmonizing healing sound and make our lives filled with peace and joy. For details please write to us at workshop@soundenergyhealing.in

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